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Being a landlord can quickly become a drain on your budget, especially if you haven’t got the right insurance cover for your property.
There’s plenty that can go wrong, which is why it’s important to consider Landlord Insurance.
Whether you are letting a large detached house or an apartment, securing insurance for your rental property is vital if you want to protect your investment.
At UKinsuranceNET, we can help you find the best policy for you. Our Landlord Insurance quotes are based on competitively priced products that are tailored to your needs.
Landlord Insurance is a form of property insurance specifically developed for landlords.
It is designed to provide a greater breadth of cover than standard home insurance to mitigate the risks associated with letting a property.
Tenanted properties are exposed to a variety of risks, such as fires, floods or accidental damage.
If you tried to claim for such events on a standard home insurance policy, your claim would likely be rejected.
Whereas homeowner’s buildings and contents insurance are designed to safeguard the interests of the owner occupier, Landlord Insurance helps protect the interests of Buy-to-Let landlords.
A Landlord Insurance policy typically includes several types of cover under one overarching policy.
Some insurers will offer separate types of cover to choose from and others simply bundle them together into one policy.
Landlord Buildings Insurance is always included as standard. Thereafter, you can typically choose to add a range of optional covers, depending on your needs, to create a suite of financial protection tailored to your needs.
If you are unsure about what you require and what products exist on the market, our experts will provide all the advice and guidance you need to make an informed decision and find the right rental home insurance for you.
One of the most important aspects of any Landlord Insurance policy is Landlord Buildings Insurance. Included as standard, this cover is designed to protect the bricks and mortar of your property.
Fires, flooding, and storm damage are just some of the issues that landlords deal with daily.
Any one of these could result in serious damage or destruction to the property, making Landlord Buildings Insurance an important safety net.
Public liability is something that should always be taken into account.
It will cover you against tenants (and members of the public) who try to pursue a claim against you for an incident that happened on your property.
Liability insurance can be added to a policy and is usually a requirement if you are offering student housing.
Another vital piece of cover to consider if your property is fully or partially furnished is Landlord Contents Insurance.
This protects all your items inside the property from theft and damage, including carpets, sofas, beds and televisions.
You can also add cover for accidental damage, which is something that student housing properties can benefit from.
Accidents like spillages and breakages can be covered depending on the circumstance and cover.
If you have taken out a mortgage on a property and you are relying on rent to cover your monthly payments, Loss of Rent Cover is an important layer of protection.
If the property you own becomes uninhabitable from an insured peril, this form of insurance will ensure you are recompensed for any loss of rental income while repairs take place.
Gas leaks, break-ins and burst pipes are a nightmare in rented properties and can happen anytime.
Landlord Home Emergency Cover ensures that a qualified tradesman will answer emergency call-outs – 24/7, 365 days a year.
Landlord Emergency Cover will usually mitigate labour, materials and call-out charges. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the limit for these types of claims is usually up to £500.
In addition to the various types of Landlord House Insurance available, UKinsuranceNET also offers a wide range of other specialised products for landlords and property owners. We can provide the following cover:
It isn’t compulsory to have Landlord Insurance but you will find that some mortgage lenders will insist that you take out Landlord Insurance as a requirement of any Buy-to-Let mortgage arrangement.
Landlord Insurance is used as a safeguard for your property and potentially any of your contents within it.
It also helps you to defend yourself against the various liabilities that come with the responsibilities of a landlord.
Whenever you are buying insurance, cost is likely to be a major factor in your decision-making process.
The insurance required to safeguard the building and business interests of a Buy-to-Let enterprise is likely to differ from one landlord to another.
The type – and cost – of the individual’s cover will also vary accordingly.
Rather than focusing solely on the price of premiums, you might want to consider the extent to which the insurance meets your needs and circumstances. This will help to determine whether it represents good value.
Some of the factors that can impact the cost of Landlord Home Insurance include:
At UKinsuranceNET, we arrange cover for all types of residential and commercial properties. We have more than 20 years of experience in arranging Landlord Insurance policies.
We also have a team of experienced advisers who are ready to provide you with competitive Landlord Insurance quotes from multiple leading insurance providers.
Buying Landlord House Insurance from a specialist broker like UKinsuranceNET offers several advantages:
You need Landlord Insurance to cover you from financial losses associated with your rental property.
You need to protect the physical structure of your property along with any fixtures and fittings as well as any contents you leave at the property for use by the tenant.
You may also find that it is a condition of your Buy-To-Let mortgage that you have Landlord Insurance in place.
We advise that you do notify your mortgage lender if you are considering letting your property.
There may be implications that you will need to consider, especially if you do not have a Buy-to-Let mortgage.
Landlord Insurance can be taken out from the exchange of contracts as many mortgage lenders insist that the cover is in place before the actual completion date.
To be sure, check with your solicitor or mortgage adviser.
Give UKinsuranceNET a call and we will take the initial details and log the claim with your insurer.
We need as much information as possible, so while it is fresh in your mind, let us know exactly what has happened.
Make sure that you collect evidence, taking photographs of any damage.
Ask your neighbours if they saw or heard anything suspicious. Collect anything which can be used to support your case.
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